Highly recommended by people who’d know…parents!


We provide high quality education for preschool aged children.


We provide developmentally appropriate opportunities for children to engage in open exploration, problem solving and critical thinking that will enrich and enhance their natural development.


We foster a learning environment that allows young children to become confident and to enjoy successes in a caring atmosphere that is supportive, nurturing and responsive to their individual needs and interests.

Why Presbyterian Preschool

Presbyterian Preschool is an extension of the mission of Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church. In fulling the commandment of Jesus, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them,” the Preschool affirms a respect for the dignity and value of each child as a unique creation of God.

Meet Our Teachers

The primary goal of Presbyterian Preschool is to stimulate each child’s love of learning and self-discovery.

A Typical Day

Preschool children are active learners. They acquire knowledge best through playful interactions and discovery. We provide the children with safe and comfortable surroundings so they feel free to explore and participate in our purposefully-planned, caring early childhood environment. Children are introduced to a variety of developmentally appropriate experiences. These experiences foster positive social skills and kindergarten readiness.

The children’s day consists of :

Our Curriculum

–based on Creative Curriculum and Ohio Early Learning & Development Standards. Children develop skills in reading, writing, mathematics, science, social studies, as well as special weekly music classes.

Choice Time

–where they are free to move about the learning centers.

Snack Time

–a nutritious snack and beverage are provided each day.

Group Time

–a gathering of the children and teachers which provides an opportunity for children to develop a sense of community while sharing their thoughts, ideas and feelings. Group time also enables the teacher to introduce an activity, do some direct teaching, read a story, sing songs, etc.

Gross Motor Development

–on our beautiful, spacious, fenced playground or in the fellowship hall.

Our Results Speak for themsleves!

Childhood is a time when young children discover concepts about their world and develop compassion for others. We provide a caring atmosphere that is supportive, nurturing, and responsive to your child’s individual needs.

Voted OUTSTANDING by our local education authority

What The Parents Say

Classes for 2025/2026*

2 1/2 YEAR OLD CLASSES (2 by 3/1/25)*

Mon/Tues      9:30 a.m.—12 Noon               1 Class
Wed                 9:30 a.m.—12 Noon               1 Class

3 YEAR OLD CLASSES (3 by 9/30/25)*

M/T/W            9:30 a.m.—12 Noon              2 Classes
Thurs/Fri        9:30 a.m.—12 Noon              2 Classes

4/5 YEAR OLD PRE-K CLASSES (4 by 9/30/25)*

M/T/W           9:30 a.m.—12 Noon             2 Classes
Mon-Thurs    9:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m            1 Class
Mon—Fri        9:30 a.m.– 12 Noon             1 Class


*Age requirement exceptions to be determined by the director.

Register for 2025/2026 Classes!

Your Children


We are excited to again offer an extended day class for 4/5-year-olds, M-Th from 9:30-1:00p.m. This extended time has given kids the opportunity to pursue their interests and Kindergarten Readiness skills.


  • We offer enrichment classes in the fall and the winter based on family interest.

A lunch bunch program is offered on Tuesday and Thursdays from 12:00 Noon—1:00 p.m. Nov.– Apr. Children will have an opportunity to enjoy lunch, free play and story time with friends. Children in our morning program can extend their day.

Children in the 2 1/2-year-old program do not need to be potty trained. We prefer that children in all other classes are potty-trained. Call us if you have questions with regard to this preference.

Presbyterian Preschool teachers are program tenured and have degrees or special early childhood experience. All of our teachers keep current with training in the early childhood field.

Presbyterian Preschool is licensed by the State of Ohio. We adhere to high standards in the areas of staff qualifications, professional development, quality teaching and assessing using best practices as well as parent and community involvement.

A health form, signed by a doctor, must be provided before the first day of school.

The health form is available our website. Our classes start in September and end before Memorial Day. We follow Forest Hills Schools for most vacations, holidays and snow days.

You will receive an introductory letter from the teacher in mid- August. We transition the children into our environment gradually. Each family will have an opportunity to come in and meet the teachers prior to classes. We will start the children over a 2-day period. The one-day program will come for one hour on the first day.
